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Acting SRSG Swan’s Statement Contradicted by UN article 2/4 and International law


The statement by Acting SRSG Swan shows a contradiction because the signing of an MoU between Ethiopia’s PM Abiy Ahmed Ali and the Northwest region of Somalia is a clear breach of the UN Charter, AU Constitutive Act, international law norms, and principles of state sovereignty and territorial integrity:

1.UN Charter: Article 2(4) prohibits the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state. Signing an MoU with the Northwest region undermines Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
2.AU Constitutive Act: Article 4(b) upholds the respect for borders existing upon achieving independence, thereby reinforcing the territorial integrity of member states. Article 4(g) embodies the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of states. Ethiopia’s actions violate these principles by engaging with the Northwest Region “Somaliland” as a separate entity.
3.International Law: The principle of non-intervention in the domestic affairs of states is a fundamental aspect of international law, as stated in Article 2(7) of the UN Charter. Ethiopia has breached this principle by signing an agreement with Northwest region of Somalia.

The UN should firmly condemn the Ethiopian Prime Minister’s actions and impose sanctions on him. It is not enough to merely encourage Somalia and Ethiopia to resolve the matter peacefully; clear consequences must be imposed for these violations of state sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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