Saturday, September 7

Business owners in Mogadishu are lamenting the fees imposed at the Port of Mogadishu

Business owners in Mogadishu are lamenting the fees imposed at the Port of  Mogadishu , which are not inclusive of taxes. This includes $80 charged for Tayadhowr, $40 for Scan, and $25 for container handling. Additionally, vehicles transporting goods from the Port of Mogadishu are contracted to private companies, which charge $500 to deliver goods to the Bakara Market. This fee is twice that of vehicles transporting goods from Berbera to Hargeisa (160km), which charge $250.

To collect these fees, checkpoints have been established at every turn. Those collecting the fees lack a trustworthy system apart from these myriad checkpoints.

The funds are appropriated by companies and individuals closely associated with the nation’s leadership.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Finance, having received parliamentary approval, intends to impose a tax.

The existing tax laws are based on the Somali shilling; thus, taxing buyers or sellers cannot be based on the dollar until the Parliament revisits and amends the legislation.

The populace also questions the rationale behind the taxes: What tangible benefits will they receive? Are these funds directed towards economic infrastructure, such as airports, ports, and roads? Or are they allocated for social services such as health care, education, clean water, and electricity? Or do these funds merely enrich certain individuals? Such inquiries demand responses from the government.

A government without taxation cannot exist, and it is imperative for it to levy taxes; however, it is equally essential that such taxation is lawful and that the citizenry benefits in return. This accountability must emanate from the Parliament, civil society organizations, business communities, the media, and cooperatives.


Business owners in Mogadishu are lamenting the fees imposed at the Port of Mogadishu
Business owners in Mogadishu are lamenting the fees imposed at the Port of Mogadishu

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