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Al-Shabaab’s Departure from Islamic Principles

Al-Shabaab's Departure from Islamic Principles

Al-Shabaab’s Departure from Islamic Principles

The ongoing battles against Al-Shabaab have shockingly demonstrated that their actions and beliefs are not in alignment with true Islamic principles, as highlighted by Somali Islamic scholars. This group, often referred to as Khawarij—meaning “seceders” or “those who exit the community”—has repeatedly shown through its behavior that it has strayed far from Islamic teachings.

One glaring example is the cultural taboo they violate by displaying tattoos. In Somali culture and Islamic tradition, tattoos are considered forbidden. There is no word for “tattoo” in the Somali language, underscoring its cultural and religious prohibition. Al-Shabaab fighters, however, openly bear tattoos, marking themselves as outcasts and non-Muslims in the eyes of the Somali community.

Furthermore, the Somali military’s operations have uncovered and destroyed vast agricultural lands used for growing hashish, which Al-Shabaab owned. This illicit activity starkly contradicts Islamic law, which strictly prohibits such substance use and trade, further proving that Al-Shabaab’s operations are fundamentally un-Islamic.

Additionally, the deceptive tactics employed by Al-Shabaab to recruit young fighters reveal their true nature. In one instance, when villagers in Lower Shabelle resisted sending their children to join Al-Shabaab, the group resorted to deceit. They introduced an Arab man in traditional attire, falsely claiming the Saudi monarchy sent him to support Al-Shabaab. They promised that parents allowing their children to join would be rewarded with a pilgrimage to Mecca, a precise fabrication. This incident is a stark example of Al-Shabaab’s manipulation and departure from Islamic values, a betrayal of trust.

The ongoing conflicts with Al-Shabaab have not only exposed their disgraceful behavior but also highlighted their departure from Islamic principles, as evidenced by their cultural violations, illicit activities, and deceitful recruitment practices.

Al Shabab Core Group Losing Momentum
Al Shabab Core Group Losing Momentum

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