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Significant Milestones in Somalia under Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud Government: Election as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC)


The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is among the six principal organs of the United Nations (UN) which has an obligation of ensuring international peace and security. The UNSC has several key functions including maintaining international peace and security, imposing sanctions, undertaking military action, conducting peacekeeping operations. UNSC is made up of five permanent members and ten non-permanent members. The permanent members in UNSC which include China, France, Russia, United Kingdom and United States have veto power that implies any substantive resolution cannot be adopted if any one of them casts a negative vote. On the other hand, non-permanent members who are elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly do not have veto power. The non-permanent members seats are distributed on a regional basis with 3 allocated for Africa, 2 for Asia-Pacific, 1 for Eastern Europe, 2 for Latin America and the Caribbean and 2 for Western Europe and Other States. In this case, any member of the UN can be elected as a non-permanent member, but they typically need to campaign and garner two-thirds majority vote of the General Assembly. Non-permanent members often serve as voices for smaller and regional concerns and can broker compromises among the P5 and other Council members. Non-permanent members can propose resolutions and work with other members to draft and promote them.

Why it Matters for Somalia to be Non-Permanent Member of the UNSC

Somalia achieved a significant milestone when it was elected as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Thursday by the UN General Assembly. Being a member of UNSC, Somalia stands to reap the following benefits:

  1. Rebuilding National Identity: Somalia is a country that has undergone through a long period of internal conflicts, political instability and terrorism. Therefore, Somalia’s election to the UNSC represents a significant step towards reclaiming a prominent role on the regional and global stage. This is also a clear indication that Somalia under President Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has made notable progress in stabilizing its government and improving its international standing.
  2. Enhanced International Recognition: Somalia’s election to the UNSC highlights recognition by international community of the efforts by the country towards stability and governance reforms. It marks a pivotal moment in Somalia’s re-engagement with global diplomatic and political institutions. It also symbolizes a vote of confidence by the international community in Somalia’s capacity of contributing constructively to global peace and security.
  3. Influence on Regional Issues: The presence of Somalia on the UNSC provides a platform for Somaliato influence decisions on regional conflicts and security issues. This will allow Somalia to bring the international community’s attention to the security and conflict issues affecting the horn of Africa and EAC region.
  4. Strengthening Diplomatic Ties: Being on the UNSC helps strengthen Somalia’s diplomatic relationships with other member states. It improves Somalia’s ability to collaborate on international initiatives and security matters, fostering stronger ties with both permanent and non-permanent members of the Council.
  5.  Commitment to International Peace and Security: The election of Somalia stands as a testament to its commitment to international peace and security. It highlights the country’s efforts to contribute positively to global stability, despite its own internal challenges. Somalia’s unique perspective, given its own experience with conflict and rebuilding, can provide valuable insights into the resolution of similar crises worldwide.
  6. Capacity Building: This position offers an opportunity for Somalia to build its diplomatic and administrative capacities. Engaging at this high level will provide valuable experience and expose Somali diplomats to best practices in international governance and conflict resolution.
  7.  Regional Leadership: Somalia’s election could bolster its leadership role within the African Union and other regional bodies. Being a member of UNSC will allow Somalia to set a precedent and encourage other nations in the region to aspire to similar roles, thereby strengthening regional cooperation and stability.



Somalia’s tenure as a non-permanent member of the UNSC holds the promise of significant benefits both for the country and the broader international community. It is a testament to the progress Somalia has made and an opportunity for the country to further enhance its role on global affairs. However, it also presents challenges that will require careful navigation and strategic diplomacy. Ultimately, Somalia’s success in this role will depend on its ability to effectively contribute to international peace and security while advancing its own national interests. While the 5 permanent members hold significant power within the UNSC, Somalia as a non-permanent member stands to play a crucial role in shaping discussions, contributing to decision-making, and ensuring a broader representation of the international community’s interests. Election into UNSC is the latest milestone that Somaliahas achieved towards political stability under President Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. This signifies the commitment by President Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud towards stable Somalia that in just two years,has overseen various accomplishments including amendment of the constitution, debt relief, lifting of arms embargo and membership into EAC regional bloc. In conclusion, this is also a great victory for the ministry of foreign affairs of Somalia and the Somali people on the global stage.

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