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Ethiopia’s Flagrant Violation of Somalia’s Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty

In recent times, the violation of Somalia’s territorial integrity by Ethiopia has become glaringly evident. Reports indicate that Ethiopia is not only smuggling weapons into Somali territory but also deploying troops without any legal mandate.

This blatant disregard for international norms has raised alarm bells among observers and citizens alike. Ethiopian military commanders have reportedly been seen within the residences of regional state governors, a move that underscores the depth of their intervention and the challenges faced by the Somali government.

The international community, including the African Union and the United Nations, has remained conspicuously silent in the face of these violations, leading to questions about their commitment to upholding sovereignty and territorial integrity. The lack of condemnation raises concerns about complicity and the selective application of international law.

Why is there such an absence of action from these bodies when the sovereignty of a member state is being undermined?

It is evident that the situation is exacerbated by the presence of certain traitorous leaders within Somalia, who have seemingly facilitated Ethiopia’s interventions. These leaders, who hold power in various regional states, have betrayed the Somali people and compromised national interests.

A parallel can be drawn with historical events, such as the South Confederate’s attempts to break away from the United States, which ultimately faced severe repercussions. The Somali federal government and its citizens must recognize that internal unity and strength are essential in confronting external threats.

The call for the Somali national army to assemble and take decisive action against both external and internal adversaries has never been more urgent. The Somali people need to make the difficult decision to confront the enemy within before addressing the encroachment from Ethiopia.

It is imperative that the federal government expels all Ethiopian troops from Somali soil and reasserts its sovereignty. Furthermore, the Ethiopian embassy must be relocated away from the presidential palace to symbolize a break from these unacceptable actions.

This moment represents a critical juncture for Somalia. The survival of the nation hinges on the collective resolve of its people to stand against external aggression and internal betrayal. It is a time for decisive action and unwavering commitment to national unity and sovereignty.

As history has shown, the path to self-determination and freedom is often fraught with challenges, but it is a journey that must be undertaken for the future of Somalia.

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